IT Event: Unlocking Hidden Talents

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Come and let us talk about technology, the impact of technology, why we have to participate and the opportunities we have. 

“Each of us should be allowed to rise as far as our talent and hard work can take us.” Margot Lee Shetterly, Hidden Figures

Kom op vrijdag 24 mei naar het ICT event “Unlocking Hidden Talents”. Vanaf 17:30 – 21:30 te Amsterdam Zuidoost. Kom kennis opdoen, netwerken en experts ontmoeten die jouw carriere in de IT vooruit kunnen helpen.  Via keynote, persoonlijke verhalen en het bespreken van feitelijke onderzoeken zal je kennis opdoen over o.a.: Artificial Intelligence (AI), hoe beter te verdienen in de IT als IT’er en de kansen die er zijn om te werken in de ICT en wat je route kan zijn richting de ICT.  Dit event kan bezocht worden door iedereen die geïnteresseerd is, ongeacht afkomst, gender, ICT-ervaring en achtergrond.

Taal event: Nederlands en Engels.
Kaart: Hapjes en drankjes in de ticketprijs.
Vragen?: Mail naar


  • Ben je recruiter en wil je tijdens het event actief potentiële kandidaten benaderen? Dat kan. Maak contact met ons voor afspraken.
  • Foto’s en video opnames zullen gemaakt worden op dit event. De opnames en foto’s zullen op Internet worden gepubliceerd. Door het event te bezoeken geeft u toestemming voor het maken van foto en video opnames en de publicaties hiervan door ons als organisatie alsook de bezoekers.
Sponsored by The Extra Mile  


Come to the IT event “Unlocking Hidden Talents” on Friday, May 24, 2024. From 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM in Amsterdam South East. Come gain knowledge, network and meet experts who can advance your career in IT. Through keynote, personal stories and discussion of factual research, you will gain knowledge about, among things like: Artificial Intelligence (AI), how to earn better in IT as an IT professional and the opportunities there are to work in IT and what your route can be towards IT. This event can be attended by anyone who is interested, regardless of origin, gender, IT experience and background.

Language event: Dutch and English
Ticket: Snacks and drinks included in the ticket price.
Questions?: Mail to


  • Are you a recruiter and would you like to actively approach potential candidates during the event? Contact us for appointments.
  • Photos and video recordings will be made at this event. The recordings and photos will be published on the Internet. By visiting the event you give permission for photo and video recordings to be made and their publications by us as an organization and the visitors.
Sponsored by The Extra Mile 

The agenda

Walk-in and Networking 17:30 – 18:00:
Opening by Marianne Dorder-Servet (ZVVT), Ryan Weibolt (The Extra Mile) and Kristle de Freitas Patricio (moderator) 18:00 – 18 :15
Keynote speaker Vanessa Engelhart. Talk and presentation on the screen will be in English. Questions can be ask in Dutch. 18:15 – 18:35
Presentation about Stichting Zwarte vrouwen voor Technologie. By Marianne Dorder-Servet. Talk will be in Dutch and presentation on the screen will be in English. 18:35 – 19:05
Break: Drink, snack and stretch the legs. 19:05 – 19:15
Testimonials – Talk with Ruth Osei-Agyeman and Denise Ohenewaa about the quidance they receive from our organisation, others and the actions they take to start their career in Tech. Talk will be mostly in Dutch. 19:15 – 19:35
Speaker Ajuna Soerjadi. Talk and presentation on the screen will be in English. Questions can be ask in Dutch. 19:35 – 19:55
Speaker Ornella Friggit-Konaté. Talk and presentation on the screen will be in English. 19:55 – 20:25
Speaker Cindy Steward. Talk will be in Dutch and presentation on the screen will be in English. 20:25 – 20:45
Closing by Marianne Dorder-Servet 20:45 – 20:55
Networking, drinks, snacks, socializing and making contacts. 20:55 – 21:30

The speakers

Vanessa Engelhart​

Vanessa Engelhart​

Head of IT Department
We are pleased to welcome our keynote speaker Vanessa Engelhart. Vanessa is an enthusiastic IT-professional with a sparkling personality. She has more than 10 years of experience in: management of IT engineers/IT specialists/internal and external supplier, consultancy, project and program management, (ITIL/LEAN) processes, coaching, transition-, financial- / stakeholder- and resource management. She is use to be responsible for large budgets (millions), continuous evaluation between finance, time, quality and scope. In 2017 Vanessa wins the award as Freelancer of the Year ICT&Internet. And in Dcember 2023 she receives from Computable the IT Hero 2013 award for most innovative and social minded project. This is an ICT board game for children named [CTRL] A – The ICT Role-playing Game.

Vanessa will take our audience on her journey from young girl wanting to be a F16 fighter pilot until she was 17 up to the woman she is today “Head of ICT department”. She will also talk about the route she took to get here and how she try to inspire other women and kids to choose ICT/Technique as we women have the hidden capabilities to do well in this area.
Cindy Steward

Cindy Steward

Junior Software Engineer
Cindy Steward is een Junior Software Engineer bij ING gecombineerd met een Bachelor in Neurowetenschappen van Erasmus University College. Haar academische inspanningen hebben geresulteerd in een scriptie getiteld “Breaking the Bias: Addressing Social Biases in Artificial Natural Language Models for Neuroscientific and Medical Implementation”, waaruit haar toewijding blijkt om ethische overwegingen in AI-ontwikkeling te bevorderen, met name bij het aanpakken van raciale en gender-vooroordelen. Met een stevige basis in zowel neurowetenschappen als software engineering, bezit Cindy een uniek interdisciplinair perspectief, waardoor ze de kloof kan overbruggen tussen theoretisch onderzoek en praktische toepassingen.

Als voorstander van diversiteit en inclusie in de technologiesector promoot ze actief het belang van vrouwen van kleur die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van technologische systemen om vooroordelen die de maatschappij beïnvloeden te mitigeren. Cindy will talk about addressing social biases in artificial natural language models for neuroscience and medical implementation. She does this by discussing her research “Breaking the Bias: Addressing Social Biases in Artificial Natural Language Models for Neuroscientific and Medical Implementation”. Based on this research.
Ajuna Soerjadi​

Ajuna Soerjadi​

Director and Founder Expertisecentrum Data-Ethiek
Ajuna has a background in philosophy and specialized in the ethics of artificial intelligence. She is particularly concerned with issues surrounding justice and social inequality in AI. AI applications that have a major impact on people, such as fraud detection, smart cities and facial recognition, often have unwanted discriminatory effects. As the founder of Expertisecentrum Data-Ethiek, she helps to solve this problem by providing ethical guidance through research and training. She works towards a society in which AI supports a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Data are not neutral. They contain existing patterns of inequality and injustice. The discriminatory effects of AI are not merely a reflection of society, since AI also tends to entrench and exacerbate inequality. In this session, I will take you along in the field of AI ethics, explaining the ways algorithmic injustice can be understood and how we can address it from different social roles. I invite you to join me in this discussion and reflect on the part you can play in making sure AI is for everyone.
Ornella Friggit-Konaté​

Ornella Friggit-Konaté​

Staff Software Engineer
Ornella is a French-Burkinabè Staff Software Engineer, who transitioned from nonprofit into tech in 2019 in order to pursue financial freedom (for her and her dog Pixel). She is passionate about art, technical excellence, continuous learning, strategy, financial planning – and shattering the myth that technology is not creative. Ornella will talk about her personal and professional journey in tech, and how it relates to her financial journey. She will discuss how she has gone about negotiating salaries, eventually doubling, then tripling her income, and her takeaways on how to earn better in IT.

Ruth Osei-Agyeman

Ruth Osei-Agyeman

Business Intelligence specialist at Leger des Heils
Sinds dit jaar is Ruth’s droom van werken met data werkelijkheid geworden. Met een achtergrond in Bedrijfskunde en Marketing Management, en werkervaring op het gebied van marketing, planning en communicatie bij Coca-Cola en het Leger des Heils, zet ze nu haar vaardigheden enthousiast in als Business Intelligence specialist. Hoewel een techcarrière niet gepland was, is Ruth na inspirerende ontmoetingen, waaronder met ZVVT, verliefd geworden op het vak. Ruth deelt graag haar ervaringen in deze ontdekkingstocht.

Denise Ohenewaa

Denise Ohenewaa

Data analist in spé
Data analist in spé Denise is een Data analist in spé. Denise heeft een Bachelor in International Hotel & Hospitality Management behaald aan het Eurocollege Hogeschool in Rotterdam en heeft ervaring in de klantenservice binnen verschillende branches, waaronder woningcorporatie, energie en financiële sector. Denise heeft in 2023-2024 deelgenomen aan het IT Jobcoaching programma bij ZVVT. Ik heb het IT Job coaching programma als zeer positief ervaren; het was waardevol en verhelderend! De oefenopdrachten die ik kreeg en voltooide hebben mij inzicht in de ICT-sector vergroot. Denise deelt graag haar ervaringen in dit ontdekkingsreis.

Looking forward to meeting you in:
